Friday, October 26, 2012


Me: Jooon give me a sexy pose
Jooon: Dara!!!

Today I'll show to you my photos from yesterday's Trick or Treat held at E-bloc 2 I.T. Park Cebu City.

I love Gerald's make-up it's inspired by Captain Jack Sparrow's eye make-up. 
He don't look like a pirate to me he is more of a gay macho dancer (Markova)hahaha...

No effort look for Bobilles! Yehey!! :))
Ermitanyo? Padre Damasu? 

Jigz Adiong as Captain Jack Sparrow

Bobilles as Hagrid?? Or Pirate?? You pick! 

Jack Ampo another pirate. He should be congratulated for his efforts on his make-up he did it solo and asked no help from anyone in the office :)

Francis Tan :)
 Elaine as Tinkerbell or Peter Pan?? Again you decide :)

 Leslie the baby pirate

Poyetch as a fairy

Jose as a vampire

Gerald without make-up and already playing with bubbles :)

I loved to hop every cube to take photos yesterday but I have to hide it from the guards-on-duty since I'm not one of the official photographers for the event but these photos are still worth a smile.

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