It's been like 3 weeks since my last entry and believe me I was having a hard time creating a post again because I forgot how to set my photo to its default size (set by me). I was shocked when I uploaded the photo and the result was a distorted one so I have to open my previous posts and inspect their HTML codes, enough of that and let's proceed to the story of Red Valentine =)
February 2,2012 - The day of the shoot.
Morning that day I met with Angie (blogger) and we attended a seminar or more likely an orientation of a life changing agency. HAHAHA..Had lunch with Angie at Ayala and met with Kpat and Chikeedu.
We went to Fort San Pedro for this Valentine shoot, as we pay for the entrance it was so funny when the in-charge let Chikeedu and me pay only the student rate and charged Kpat and Angie the regular rate HAHAHAHA :P
Valentine's Day is almost there and Love will be in the atmosphere that day but lucky are those who will share it with their partners and blessed are those who never give up looking for their the ONE.
Here are the photos of that shoot
more about my model, Her name is Christina Duque a very good friend of mine. We work in the same company and I admire her simple Filipina beauty. This shoot was supposed to be done last December but something happened to Chikeedu so we have to move it.
Behind the scenes
Angie also a blogger and an awesome make-up artist was the over-all-in-charge of ChikeeDu's make-up
Salie a dear friend of mine was so funny that day, She was late but kept us all laughing all throughout the shoot. Thanks for supporting Sal I love you! HAHAHA =)
A photo of the team (Me, Salie, Chikeedu, Angie) photo by my friend Kpat, He by the way is my teacher in photography so I owe all my photography knowledge to him.

I can see a lot of emotion on the photo below. Love it so much :)
We ended that day with dinner at Silogan ni Gian and watched Shutter since that movie is all about photography and headed to SM =)
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